Are you a New Kid on the Block with a team name that makes you look like a Wannabe? Don’t just sit there Counting Crows! Go from Boyz to Men with one of our Red Hot 90s Band team names. Pretty soon you’ll be Smashing Pumpkins, looking better than a Barenaked Lady.
Spice Gurleys
98 DeBrees
Ace of Case
Pearl Jamaal
Winston Temple Pilots
Alshon in Chains
A.J. Green Day
Blind Melvin
Red Hot Julius Peppers
Nine Inch Kniles
Goo Goo Rawles
Counting Crowells
Matchbox TwenT.Y.
Ginn Blossoms
The Camberries
Blaine’s Addiction
Jordan Creed
Third Eli Blind
Smashing Hopkins
BackStreater Boys
The Goffspring